Thursday 16 October 2014

The Goddess of Handloom

In nearly every Culture there is a Goddess of handweaving or Spinning
In India, she is known as Bhimama, and unlike the other Goddesses in the Hindu Pantheon who are adorned in finery and sit a top resplendent thrones Bhimama wears a simple draped sari without jewellery and sits on the ground in front of a spinning wheel

  Bhimama, The Peoples Goddess 

In Inca Mythology it was Mama Occlo who taught Women the art of spinning thread

The Chinese goddess of spinners and weavers is known as Chih Nu
she had the job of weaving  heavenly garments for the other gods and goddesses.

                Among the English she is Known as Eve..

She is depicted with distaff and spindle.

In the Latvia , the Baltic region, she is known as Saule, the life affirming sun goddess who is an expert at spinning sunbeams

In Greece Penelope, Wife of the God Odyseussus wove beautiful Garments by Day only to Unravel them again at night