Thursday 30 October 2014

Chennimalai Valley


Thursday 16 October 2014

The Goddess of Handloom

In nearly every Culture there is a Goddess of handweaving or Spinning
In India, she is known as Bhimama, and unlike the other Goddesses in the Hindu Pantheon who are adorned in finery and sit a top resplendent thrones Bhimama wears a simple draped sari without jewellery and sits on the ground in front of a spinning wheel

  Bhimama, The Peoples Goddess 

In Inca Mythology it was Mama Occlo who taught Women the art of spinning thread

The Chinese goddess of spinners and weavers is known as Chih Nu
she had the job of weaving  heavenly garments for the other gods and goddesses.

                Among the English she is Known as Eve..

She is depicted with distaff and spindle.

In the Latvia , the Baltic region, she is known as Saule, the life affirming sun goddess who is an expert at spinning sunbeams

In Greece Penelope, Wife of the God Odyseussus wove beautiful Garments by Day only to Unravel them again at night


Thursday 2 October 2014

Nool by Hand

Our Logo represents 'yarn and spindle' 
and stands for that, which can only be "Handmade".

Nool is the Tamil word for "yarn" 
~ specifically the yarn that is wound inside the shuttle 
which passes from left to right through the warp  
marrying the weft 
and emerging magically as a woven fabric.

Its a fact that all over India many Handlooms are lying idle, 
some of them because they are so old, operating them has become difficult but sadly most of them have been set aside due to lack of demand for 
Handwoven fabric.
What looks like a Timber Yard, below is actually a vast storehouse of dismantled Handlooms which unfortunately get sold off as firewood. 

     Disused Spindles from the shuttles, also lay around ,sad and forgotten 

With the help of modern technologies to improve inefficiencies,
 Innovation to inspire people to wear Handloomed fabric and a lot of care and patience, Nool has its eyes on a Future where 
Handloom is 
Preserved, Protected, and Promoted for Posterity and Prosperity

To know a little more about the Initiative behind 

Nool By Hand 
please visit